Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog Entry #2 - What is English Grammar?

Teaching grammar plays a central role in every ESL/ELL teacher's classroom. The important question that needs to be answered is: how do I teach grammar? In other words, how do I help students learn the grammar they need. What are your thoughts?
The main struggle I have with defining "Standard English Grammar" stems from my experiences living and working with Spanish-speakers in the United States. I have met so many people who do speak English very well, but often Code-Switch and use both English and Spanish as they speak to other speakers of both languages. It is the most interesting I have ever heard, and I wonder why this has not become a larger question in the definition of Standard English like the African American Vernacular - which to be completely honest having lived in both California and the American South, have never really heard, though I do spend time with African Americans.
The big question is how do I teach grammar? Well, I do lots of things!! I try very hard to differentiate instruction so students can show an understanding of of their knowledge of grammar without worksheets. I usually follow this basic outline when I teach grammar:
1 - PowerPoint presentation of the grammar with students taking notes
2 - a worksheet to practice
3 - Grammar Graphics where the students will have to identify different parts of speech and draw a visual representation of the part of speech above it. (Yes, this rings of diagramming sentences, but I was one of those kids that enjoyed it and if there are 2 or 3 that get it if I do it this way it's not hurting the ones who dislike it!!)
4 - differentiated instruction "Menu Options" where students are asked to use the topic studied in a variety of ways
5 - *this is ongoing* MadLibs! I know it may sound cheesy, but we start every Language Arts class with a couple online madlibs to get our brains creative, we do these as a class through the computer and projector, it is FUN!! We were rolling on the ground today!!
6 - Test at the end of the unit to determine what needs to be revisited.
That is how I teach grammar. My class is both inductive and deductive I try to really differentiate instruction and show students in a variety of manners how the grammar point works. I am a self-proclaimed "Grammarian" I love grammar and to study it, but I know how much fun doing worksheets is, so I try to keep it light and quick, so students do not feel bogged down. Though I have noticed that they do really enjoy grammar once they realize it isn't as bad as they previously thought!

1 comment:

  1. Well done!! Excellent link-- I really like Grammar Graphics.
