Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog Entry #3

For this blog entry I was asked to read the following articles:

Pithissippi Burning: Race, White Nationalism and American Culture
Posted by PJ Tobia on Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM from the Nashville Scene

"Why Multiculturalism is Wrong"

The Challenge of 'Multiculturalism' In How Americans View the Past and the Future
Samuel Taylor

I have to say I was absolutely shocked as to how people have reacted to Multiculturalism in the United States. The most shocking thing for me was the reactions that people have had to teaching Multiculturalism in American schools. I never would have thought that there are people in the world who were so adverse to teaching the histories of the many different peoples of the United States. I had no idea people were so worried about "White" culture in the United States. To me culture is in the home and with family, I know my family celebrates holidays differently than most - we celebrate some holidays like Catholics, we celebrate the Day of the Dead as it would be traditionally celebrated in Central and South America, but we don't really celebrate Easter, but we do celebrate Columbus Day as the Day of the Race, as it would be celebrated in Puerto Rico.

Speaking about the argument of how people affected by Columbus "negatively" really, from the experiences I have had in Puerto Rico, do not view it that way. Puertorricans that I lived with in San Juan, Puerto Rico celebrated it like a joyous holiday. Many said without Columbus they would not live in Puerto Rico, or be who they are. Many people celebrated around the island, and we were all out of school and off work. So, it is really strange that people say that Puertorricans do not like Columbus, when they were joyous about his discovery of their island and even have statues of him around the island. I wonder if maybe people impose that idea on Americans so we feel guilty.

After reading the article "Why Multiculturalism is Wrong" article, I was left with a wha????? I really did not know how to feel after reading that article or what was really the point the writer was trying to make. I do understand how the country makes the culture really does make sense.

When one is from a certain country a person usually identifies with the culture of the country being their own culture. I certainly identify with being "American" and know what life and culture is like for me.

I really have a hard time with people imposing any kind of culture on me. Yeah - I may be white, but I've lived around the world. I lived in Puerto Rico and have brought those cultures with me. I lived in Austria and celebrate Christmas and Lent much like an Austrian, not because I became Catholic, but because I enjoyed the celebrations.

I really hate supremecists telling me "my" culture is dying, because it isn't. My culture lives with me, inside of my heart, mind and home - I just wish everyone would quite judging me by it.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciated your last paragraph especially. Well done.
